Old Boys

Old Boys Events

The next Old Boys Dinner will be held on
Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.

Please save the date!
All Old Boys from the Class of 2016 and above are invited to attend the annual Old Boys Dinner at the school.  The Old Boys Dinner is scheduled for the third Thursday of January.  Old Boys travel from all parts of the world to attend.  The evening is full of joviality as Old Boys catch up with former classmates, sing school songs, and dine together.

The next Junior Old Boys Supper will be held on
Tuesday, November 26, 2024. Please save the date!
Old Boys who have graduated in the past eight years are invited to attend the Junior Old Boys Supper.  Typically, the boys enjoy appetizers with the faculty and staff, followed by a game of basketball in the gym.  The Junior Old Boys Supper is held on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  

Past Events

  • September 14, 2023 - Class of 2013 10th Reunion
  • September 21, 2023 - Class of 1978 45th Reunion
  • October 27, 2023 - LA Cocktail Reception
  • October 28, 2023 - Palo Alto Cocktail Reception
  • November 21, 2023 - Junior Old Boys Supper
  • December 1, 2023 - Class of 1973 50th Reunion
  • January 18, 2024 - Old Boys Dinner
  • March 12, 2024 - Fry Society Luncheon
  • April 18-19, 2024 - Class of 1964 60th Reunion
  • May 16, 2024 - Class of 1999 25th Reunion
  • May 17, 2024 - Class of 1994 30th Reunion
  • May 20, 2024 - Retirement Party
  • June 12, 2024 - 50 Years of Grade IX Celebration
  • July 4, 2024 - London Reception

List of 1 news stories.

  • Old Boys Dinner

    by Thomas E. Goldstone ’86

    The first Monday in October is, of course, the start of the Supreme Court “season.”  The fourth Thursday in November is, as every one knows, Thanksgiving.  But what’s the big deal about the third Thursday in January?  It’s not Presidents’ Day.  It’s not Martin Luther King Day.  It’s a bit more obscure, known to only a select few:  graduates of a certain school located at 4 East 98th Street.  It’s Old Boys Dinner “day.”

    And so it was that on the evening of January 20 some 237 St. Bernard’s Old Boys found themselves walking and riding to the school.  Alas, I heard no reports whatsoever of anyone “rolling up on skates.”

    After a wonderful dinner by Executive Chef Carolyn Wells (under the auspices of Chef Anthony Trentacosti, whose baked ziti I still long for) and her terrific team, songs were sung, cigars were smoked, and–in the words of just about every game report at school assemblies in the late 1980s– “a good time was had by all.”

    The heart of the night, for me at least, is re-connecting with those whom I spent eight years with, the guys I literally grew up with.  I don’t see many of them often during the rest of the year, but I know that come the third Thursday in January they will be at St. B’s.  And so will I.

List of 1 news stories.

  • Junior Old Boys Luncheon

    by Nolan Crawford ’11

    For Old Boys departing their formative years on East 98th Street, the following ten years can lead to high schools and colleges spread far and wide.  Whatever the distance, St. B’s remains our home, and that is clearest of all on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  The Junior Old Boys Lunch is a touchstone for us recent alumni, not yet far removed from “our first Alma Mater.”
    Whether it is mingling over refreshments in the small gym, enjoying a delicious meal prepared by Chef Wells and her team, peeking into old classrooms, or playing basketball, there is never a more welcome trip down memory lane than this yearly get-together.  The Junior Old Boys Lunch lets us rekindle old stories and hear new ones from some friends we see often and others we don’t.  It is always a pleasure to catch up with teachers, our first mentors, who assure us, thankfully, that little has changed in our brief time away.
    What I love seeing most is how easily everyone comes back together.  The school still feels ours, and we fall back into the best patterns of our elementary school days, albeit with some new perspective.  Experiences like the ones we had at St. B’s are special, and every trip back for lunch helps us remember just why that is.