St. Bernard’s offers able young boys of diverse backgrounds an exceptionally thorough, rigorous, and enjoyable introduction to learning and community life.  We wish to inspire boys to value hard work and fair play, to develop confidence, consideration for others, and a sense of citizenship, and to have fun while doing these things.

An Ode to St. B's

It is important both to challenge boys and to show them great affection.


A good heart is as valuable as a well-stocked, well-trained head.


The glory of this school will always be the people inside it.

Recent News

List of 8 news stories.

  • Kronengold Author Series

    On October 30, St. Bernard’s welcomed bestselling children’s author Adam Gidwitz for an engaging and thought-provoking visit.
  • 120 Years!

    To mark our 120th birthday, the students, faculty, and staff gathered in Central Park to form the Roman numeral CXX. One of our art teachers, Ms. Geraldine de Haugoubart, took the photo from the top of a ladder -- no small feat!
  • Community Book: The Thief

    This year marks the seventh year at St. Bernard’s that we have had a Community Book.
  • Oxford English Dictionary Repair

    Quiz time. It can be found on the sixth floor, it stands about three feet nine inches (but is always lying down), and it weighs 163 pounds.
  • Sports Day

    Yesterday's bluebird day was perfect for our annual Sports Day in Central Park, and the competition was fierce but friendly. Sports Day has been held since 1907 and is always a highlight of the final weeks of the school year. Three cheers for St. B's!
  • Challah-brate and Twist

    May is Jewish American Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the rich history and culture of the Jewish people. At St. Bernard's, we were thrilled to honor this tradition with the first-ever Challah Twist Breakfast.

  • Spring Concert & Art Show

    The big gym was filled with beautiful music last Tuesday evening during the annual Spring Concert and Art Show. We heard from the St. Bernard’s Singers, Glee Club, Recorder Club, Chamber Singers, String Orchestra, and the newly formed Faculty Chorus. The medium gym was filled to the brim with artwork from each student in the school. Special thanks to the music and art departments for an incredible evening.

    To view the recording, enter the password 1904.
  • Upper School Recital

    On Friday, April 26, twenty boys participated in the Upper School Recital. Please watch the recording below. Bravo to all the performers and the music department.


The games the game for all.
St. David's
St. David's


Sing we a song of our first Alma Mater...