
Tuition & Financial Aid

St. Bernard’s is committed to admitting and enrolling the most qualified students, regardless of circumstances.  Every year St. Bernard’s sets aside a generous sum for financial aid.  Almost twenty percent of the student body receives financial aid.  Grants are given on the basis of need, with the expectation that recipients will make good use of their educational opportunities.  Each case is given individual consideration by the financial aid committee, based on information that the parents and the School and Student Services by NAIS forms provide.  All information supplied is held in strict confidence. 


Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $59,560.  This includes lunch, books, supplies, and other expenses. 

Financial Aid

Applications for admission are evaluated without regard to financial need.  All families are required to complete the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) by NAIS.  Financial Aid Application materials are available at these links:
You may request hard copies of the PFS form and workbook from our admissions office.  In addition, St. Bernard’s also requires the following documents:
  • United States 1040 form(s) and all schedules
  • W-2 Forms
  • A signed, undated IRS Form 4506 for each tax return filed
Other supplemental forms are often required depending on individual family circumstances.

Financial aid documents for current families need to be completed and submitted to St. Bernard’s no later than March 3.  For applicant families applying for financial aid, all paperwork must be received by January 17. 

Admissions Team

List of 2 members.

  • Anne Nordeman 

    Director of Admissions
    (212) 289-2878 ext. 326
  • Megan Reitzas 

    Director of Admissions
    (212) 289-2878 ext. 327

After School Programs

Families currently receiving financial aid are eligible for assistance with after-school programs.  Please contact the Admissions Office at (212) 289-2878 ext. 326 or ext. 327 with questions.


List of 8 items.

  • School Events

    Tickets for immediate family to school sponsored events are fully covered by the school.
  • Book Fair

    The school reimburses financial aid students for up to $40 worth of books from the book fair.
  • After-School Activities

    Parents are charged a proportionate amount for any activities affiliated with our Later Alligator Program, Friday Sports program, and the Saturday Sports Club.
  • Birthday Parties

    Families pay only the proportionate amount of the standard fee for birthday parties at St. Bernard’s arranged with Sports-R-Fun.
  • International Travel

    Parents are asked to pay a proportionate amount for Upper School trips.  These include the eighth grade trip to Ecuador and the ninth grade trip abroad.
  • MetroCards

    Boys who live farther than one-half mile away from school receive a complimentary MetroCard each month.
  • Sports Camps

    Parents are charged a proportionate amount for June Sports Camps.
  • Field Trips

    Parents are asked to pay a proportionate amount for field trips.