Happy Birthday, St. B’s!

October 4, 2018, marks St. Bernard's School 114th birthday. To toast this special occasion, we share with you a “Recipe for St. Bernard’s Cocktail,” which was published in The Budget in 1925.
Recipe for St. Bernard’s Cocktail
A welcome from the heart for all who are not too unworthy;
A proper measure of stimulus to scholarship (well blended with true sportsmanship);
A sympathetic understanding of all youthful eccentricities;
And a kindly tolerance for their shortcomings;
An extraordinary appreciation of what it means to be a gentleman;
A splendid loyalty to, and from, Old Boys and New;
A cordial attitude towards the Inevitable Parent:—
Note: These ingredients, well shaken together and served
in generous draughts to young and old, offer an intoxicating but quite legal stimulant.

Happy birthday, St. B’s!
