Exclusive Interview with the Editor in Chief of the "98th Street Post"

Recently some signs have appeared in St. B’s hallways announcing the online publication of the Middle School newspaper, the 98th Street Post.  We chatted with Maximilien P., the editor in chief, in an exclusive interview.

Maximilien always wanted St. Bernard’s to have a school newspaper.  His sister brought home issues of her school paper, and Maximilien was inspired.  He also noticed that the Upper School offers a selection of clubs, and he thought Middle School boys should start their own club.  After much thought and careful planning, Maximilien took charge of the 98th Street Post this year.  He posted a sign in fourth-floor hallway and recruited contributors and writers.
The 98th Street Post team meets in the Geography Room every Wednesday after school.  Mr. Jacala advises the boys and oversees their work.  Student editors proofread and monitor the content.  Maximilien wants the Middle School paper to be current and to focus on what is happening at school.  He hopes to publish an issue every two to three weeks.  His vision is for the articles to be short and concise.  He wants original content and has learned that it is beneficial not to set restrictions on what people should write.  His favorite moments this year have been when everyone arrives at the Geography Room feeling fresh and ready to work.  With the sound of typing filling the room, Maximilien gets excited about the next issue.
There are currently fourteen Middle School boys working on the paper. Maximilien is pleased with his devoted writing team.  In the future, he hopes to create a system where writers may contribute articles remotely.  He is exploring the option of including third grade writers, and hopes that the 98th Street Post will eventually be distributed in print as well as online.